Just to let you know that due to my moving overseas, this blog may be a bit of a dead zone for a while until things are sorted the other end. Hopefully I will be back blogging before too long!
New additions to my Dreamy Nature collection are now available to view/buy in my Red Bubble Store, all the new additions have had textures added from the Flypaper Collection as mentioned in my last post.
Welcome. I am a full time Graphic Designer and a part-time photographer. My love of photography has always existed but has only really developed seriously since 2005, I was published 4 times nationally during that year in Digital Camera Magazine and came 3rd in their 'Photographer of the Year' Competition in the Altered Images category. Inspired by my initial success I proceeded to upgrade my camera to a modest DSLR and haven't looked back since. In 2008 I attained the first merit award of the Photographic Alliance of Great Britain, which earned me the initials after my name. the subjects I shoot are eclectic, and my post processing techniques vary wildly as I love to experiment and don't like to be pigeon holed. On this page you can find links to my online shops where you can buy my art in various formats as well as links to tutorials, photographic sites and other amazing artists. Thanks for dropping by!
Should you wish to contact me you can do so via my Red Bubble site.